Call me by My Name! Not God, Who Is That?

As mass confusion  stirs the pots in debates and discussions scriptures are being misinterpreted by readers due to western changes and interpretations. I have so very often discovered in having discussions regarding the bible that there are so many differences in the interpretations of doctrines due to what may seem minute are in fact are the most dangerous elements in procuring truth. The western deity theos translated to god in the English is the biggest setback in fully grasping the understanding of the ruler-ship in heaven. Ironic as it may seem scholars study theology derived from Greek theos so you see the brainwash.

The apostle brother Shaul could not have said it any better. He said it does not matter whether you are Hebrew or gentile but all men should call on the name of the creator, for this is the desire of Eh’Yeh that we know his name. {Acts Chapter }{12}For there is no difference between Jew and Greek: The same Lord is Lord of all, and gives richly to all who call on Him, {13}for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” {14}How then can they call on the One in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard?. Today people don’t believe what is written even as he gave us his true name , the masses insist on calling him god {dios, deus, zeus}!

The word God and god which were injected into the western bibles, by Christian copyists brings to light a major flaw in understanding the true essence of Christ ministry and his role with the father. A very real consideration is the fact that we are being taught by the same enemy of our culture who seized our books, translated it into their tongues,altering the true source of the messages. The watered down version was then given back to us with their analogy and thinking as we now speak their language abandoning our original Hebrew tongue.

 {Proverbs Chapter 30:4}Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son’s name, if thou canst tell

No secret; we are addressing the Greeks and Romans as we look into their mythical culture. Latin deus consistently translates Greek θεός theos in both the Vetus Latina and Jerome’s Vulgate. In the Septuagint, Greek theos masked to represent Hebrew Elohim Eh’Yeh Asher Eh’yeh (אֱלוֹהִים, אלהים). This study hopefully will give better insight and hopefully assist those of you pursuing the ways of our heavenly father.

The word God was used to represent Greek Theos; meaning a deity, “NOT THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR BUT A DEITY”. Latin Deus in Bible transliterations, first in the Gothic translation of the New Testament by Ulfilas. For the etymology of DEUS, DIOS, GOD which represented the Greek deity Zeus, you can look up dyēus at your local library or Google it on the Internet for more information. Greek “θεός ” (theos) has been transliterated as the word god in English.

 The effect that words like god have on the bible understanding to the masses may not at time genuinely reflect what was written and interpreted from the Hebrew. Today we will break these down that the light of all prophecy may shine in your being. One must be mindful and also question the motives of The Greeks and Romans who seized captured tortured killed and enslaved our people. Are we so foolish as to have them have the final say on our holy books? Are we so blinded that we have the enemy  teach us their deluded ideologies about our Creator The Supreme Elohim?

For whatever reason the NT manuscripts are primarily in Greek and makes even the simplest mind wonder. Where are the original Hebrew scrolls of the New Testament? The King James Version and other Bible translators have intentionally removed the name of our heavenly father and deceptively injected the word, “god” to refer to the Almighty and also Christ. This is a big blot against the church as they added and changed words associating the Almighty with lesser deities which were the fallen angels like Zeus , Apollo, Mercurius, and Hermes whom brother Shaul and Barnabas were mistaken for. These same deities have been reintroduced into the modern churches through the false religions of paganism. They have used biblical characters to continue the abomination unnoticed.

{Acts Chapter 14}{11}When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices in the Lycaonian language: “The gods{Theoi} have come down to us in human form!” {12}Barnabas they called Zeus, and Paul they called Hermes, because he was the chief speaker. {13} The priest of Zeus, whose temple was just outside the city, brought bulls and wreaths to the city gates, hoping to offer a sacrifice along with the crowds.… 

When the Most High Creator inspired the prophets, scribes and apostles to pen the inspired text of scripture, he was very specific.When the laws were given to our people it was told to Moshe the correct name of our creator. Now when the bible was translated from the Hebrew to English this name was known to the translators. In our bibles we will see the translators gave us the correctly interpreted English meaning of his name I AM THAT I AM. Brothers and sisters your name is a particular  sound or tone you listen for! if your name is sam in England it should be Sam wherever you go in the earth.

Your name cannot be given a different sound by spelling it differently in a particular language. Instead that language has to spell your name in their way to give that same exact sound as SAM. This is the difference between a translation and a transliteration. Messiah in the new testament reminded not to add or take away from the books of the law.  {Matthew Chapter 5}{18} For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 

So what did the scholars read from the Hebrew scrolls? Eh’Yeh Asher Eh’Yeh is what was written as the father told Moshe this is my name forever, this is what the people shall call me, this is my name forever…. Not God!  not yahweh! , not jehovah!  It is NOT BY ACCIDENT that he used the Hebrew word ‘as the primary word to describe himself. Elohim and theos does not have the same meaning, and to translate both words with an Indo-European bastard language is taking away from our understanding of Him as the Almighty Supreme strong one, or as our source of strength.

 Eh’Yeh{God} said to Moses, “I Am Who I Am {Eh’Yeh Asher Eh’Yeh}. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM{Eh’Yeh} has sent me to you.’” {15}Eh’Yeh {God} also told Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord, the Alohim {God} of your fathers— the Alohim {God} of Abraham, the Alohim{God} of Isaac, and the Alohim {God} of Jacob— has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered in every generation 

The antiquity of the Hebrew Semitic languages were more pure than the watered down contaminated Greek interpretations. The Hellenized Roman Empire had adopted the Greek pantheon of deities, and therefore established a deity{theos} for every imaginable thing.  Both Greek and Roman culture were polytheistic and they had numerous deities, but they used one basic root word to describe a deity in general. This word was theos or theotes, albeit the word was commonly applied to rulers (magistrates).

Both Greek and Roman societies embodied secular leadership with their deities {FALLEN ANGELS}. Great men and women (those of high status and influence) were viewed as gods and goddesses incarnates of fallen angels. Platonic philosophy blended nicely with of pagan deities. Those whom they subjugated worshiped conquering kings. Sages were elevated to god status by virtue of the knowledge (gnosis) and were considered divine luminaries and part of the greater realm like the catholic church exalts their priests to godlike saint statuses.

The scriptures will hereby highlight and accent these flaws as references to the prophets “Alohims” replaced by the word  gods. We have established that the word theos means “a deity” and further translated in the English to the word God. The original Hebrew before Greek transliteration was Elohim. Why did the the most high Elohim then refer to his prophets as elohim also?

The sole reason is that they all acted as an extension of his power when they prophesied or healed the sick or any type of miracles it was by his power. These men were not deities but men like our selves who obeyed and was committed to the Holy One of Israel. The word God that carries the same meaning as theos{a deity} is absolutely wrong when applying scriptural understanding.

The Book of John chapter 10 Jesus{Yehsha} answered them : Is it not written in your wale : I have sayde ye are goddes /elohim ? if he called them goddes/elohims vnto whom the worde of Eh’Yeh {God} was spoken (and the scripture can not be broken) saye ye then to him/ whom the father hath sanctified/ and sent into the worlde :

Christ here confirms the power by which he speaks making him also an elohim not the Elohim the father, this can be confirmed in the old and new testament. Again Christ declares: {It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life}. As regarding Moses our heavenly father makes it quite clear the role of Christ as an elohim;  translated god in the English whose mouth he will put his words  and speak all the father commanded

The Book Of Deuteronomy Chapter 18:I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.

The Christ is “THE LIVING WORD” and it is the word of God which is a spirit manifested through the son, making Christ an elohim small g. The son of God/an elohim {to whom the word was given} an ambassador of his father. While reviewing and understanding this you may be enlightened and understand why Thomas in the English translation called Christ god/Elohim. Stephen being stoned also when he cried out! one must remember that these men spoke the Hebrew tongue.

These disciples were referring to Christ the son of The Elohim{Eh’Yeh} as an alohim {teacher, master, rabbi, high priest, prophet} or in the English injected word “god”. Notice in John chapter 10 as Christ said to them that the priest and prophets whom the word was given are called alohim. The Hebrew original is Alohim then translated to Greek theos, then god in English by the Europeans Anglo Saxons. The old testament shows this very same concept and precept in the book of Exodus that spiritual and holy teachers and priests were called alohims in the Hebrew.

The Book Of Exodus Chapter 22:28 Thou shalt not speak evill of the elohims {goddes},and the ruler of thy people shall thou not blaspheme.

SEE! Israel was warned not to speak evil of the prophets, priests and teachers because they were inspired by the heavenly father as he manifested his word through them.” The elohims = Prophets, priests, teachers etc. The word goddes is a substitute injected by the western scholars replacing the hebrew “elohim” men to whom the word was given to. Now who were the culprits that invented this word god and where did it originate from? we will find out!

The Book Of 2nd Peter 1:21 {21} For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from Eh’Yeh {God} as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

The Book Of The Hebrews 1:1 {1} Long ago, at many times and ain many ways, Eh’Yeh {God} spoke to our fathers by the prophets,

In our opening statements we mentioned Ulfilas the originator of the word god. Ulfilas parents were of non-Gothic Cappadocian Greek origin but had been enslaved by Goths and Ulfilas may have been born into captivity or made captive when young. Here on I hope you the reader begin to understand the corruption of the holy books by western influences. Hopefully you begin to understand that Jesus is not the almighty God/Elohim but a son given the power to setup his fathers kingdom, the heir to the kingdom to come.

{1 Corinthians 15:24} Then the end, when he shall deliver up the kyngdome vnto Eh’Yeh {God} the father, when he shall put downe all rule, and all superiority, & power. {1 {Corinthians 15:25} For he must reigne, till he haue put all his enemies under his feet. {1 Corinthians 15:26} The last enemye that shall be destroyed, is death, {1 Corinthians 15:27} for he hath put all things vnder his fete. But when he sayeth, that all thinges are put vnder him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which put all thinges vnder him. {1 Corinthians 15:28} When all thinges shall be subdued vnto him, then shall the sonne himselfe also be subject vnto him, which put all thinges vnder him, that Eh’Yeh {God} maye be all in all

 Raised as a Goth, Ulfilas later became proficient in both Greek and Latin.[5] Ulfilas converted many among the Goths and preached an Arian Christianity, which, when they reached the western Mediterranean, set them apart from their Orthodox neighbors and subjects. Ulfilas was ordained a bishop by Eusebius of Nicomedia and returned to his people to work as a missionary.  Ulfilas translated the Bible from Greek into the Gothic language and devised the Gothic alphabet. Fragments of his translation have survived, notably the Codex Argenteus held since 1648 in the University Library of Uppsala in Sweden. A parchment page of this Bible was found in 1971 in the Speyer Cathedral.

The English word God continues the Old English God (guþ, gudis in Gothic, gud in modern Scandinavian, God in Dutch, and Gott in modern German), which is thought to derive from Proto-Germanic *ǥuđán.The earliest uses of the word God in Germanic writing is often cited to be in the Gothic Bible or Wulfila Bible, which is the Christian Bible as translated by Wulfila (a.k.a. Bishop Ulfilas) into the Gothic language spoken by the Eastern Germanic, or Gothic, tribes.

 During the fourth century, the Goths were converted to Christianity, largely through the efforts of Bishop Ulfilas, who translated the Bible into the Gothic language in Nicopolis ad Istrum in today’s northern Bulgaria. The words guda and guþ were used for God in the Gothic Bible. Today we are victims of western mischief to corrupt the truth of our heavenly father and the prophets. What are you going to do? The truth is before you once again. Shalom!

Kaleb Yahdiel

        Bob Marley – Natural Mystic  

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